Northwestern University Research Based Degrees 90-Day Degree Programs Several degree majors are currently available at NCU, as part of the 90-day accelerated degree program. The degree titles that are available in the NCU 90-day accelerated degree programs, for a B.A., B.Th., M.A., M.Th., Ph.D., Th.D.. D.Min. and D.D. degrees, are: 1.Biblical Studies 2.Theology 3. Christian Counseling 4. Christian Education 5. Christian Social Work 5. Divinity 6. Ministry 7. Organizational Leadership ***********************
Accelerated Degree programs Our accelerated programs for B.A., B.Th., M.A., M.Th., M.Div., Ph.D., Th.D. D.D. or D.Min. may be supported with additional credit awarding by a PLA: Prior Learning Assessment similar to that being used by major colleges and universities. *** Today numerous colleges and universities are providing the great benefit of PLA: Prior Learning Assessments, for their more experienced students, to translate lifetime learning experience into credits to be legitimately applied to degree programs. This translates into huge savings in both time and educational expense. NCU is also providing this great benefit to all students. Northwestern Christian University online programs offer both Undergraduate and Graduate studies in several Christian majors, which can be completed in as little as 90-days through PLA: Prior Learning Assessment, Life, educational and ministry experience as well as core curriculum, educational modules, thesis or dissertation. Bachelor, Masters, and Doctorate Degree Programs are offered through research and writing of a thesis or dissertation only following the European model. Research based degrees are structured in a simple format to provide students more focused understanding of their major allowing the students to move at a faster pace. Online students have the advantage to study independently at their own pace. There are many degree program majors available for accelerated bachelor, master's and doctorate degree programs at NCU,. through the accelerated program at NCU. *See application page for details. A Bachelor degree can be earned in 90-days or more depending on PLA: Prior Learning Assessment, your skill set and time management ability. A Master's or Doctorate can be earned in 90-Days or less depending on your skill set and time management ability. Depending on your PLA: Prior Learning Assessment, a Masters can be completed by Thesis only and a Doctorate may be earned by Dissertation only, if qualified by appropriate educational documentation supporting the degree major.. NCU accelerated programs allow students with life, ministry and educational experience, who complete appropriate course requirements including thesis or dissertation, to earn their Bachelor, Master's or Doctorate degrees through Northwestern Christian University. This NCU Graduate Program allows students that have completed previous studies in compatible courses to complete their degree programs in as little as 90 days with a qualifying (PLA) Prior Learning Assessment.. With the NCU accelerated online learning program, completing your accelerated degree program can be accomplished in far less time than traditional degree programs. Accelerated Degree Program Requirements At Northwestern the student's PLA: Prior Learning Assessment can provide up to 65-90 credit hours of course recognition which can the be applied toward a 120 credit hour bachelor degree program. For those who enroll in accelerated online Master's and Doctoral programs a PLA is not required for their accelerated online degree programs. Any bachelor degree full qualifies a student to enroll in any master's or doctorate program at NCU. You can still master your degree major through your thesis or dissertation. The accelerated online master's program requires a thesis only. The accelerated online doctorate program involves a dissertation only. *An easy to follow guide is provided for for both PLA and writing the thesis and dissertation for the accelerated degree programs at Northwestern. *SEE WEBSITE MENU for GUIDE. *** 90-Day Accelerated Degree Program Requirements: EXAMPLE: Bachelor Program (B.A.) or (B.Th.) *All Major s PLA: Prior Learning Assessment 90 cr. hrs Core Courses 15 cr. hrs. *May be waived based on PLA 2- Major Courses 10 cr. hrs. *May be waived based on PLA Bachelor's Thesis 30 cr. hrs Total Required Credits 120 cr. hrs. *Transfer Credit supported by transcripts can also be used to reduce need for additional PLA credits. Lacking transfer credits can be compensated by additional PLA credits. *Extra NCU Courses may be assigned to offset lacking Transfer Credit (or) PLA Credit Master's Program (M.A.) or (M.Th.) *Any Major *Any Bachelor degree fulfills requirements for acceptance. Master's Thesis 30 cr. hrs Total Required credits 30 cr. hrs. * PLA may be considered for extra credit Doctorate Programs *Any Major *90-days or less *Any Master's degree fulfills requirements for acceptance. Doctoral Dissertation 30 cr. hrs Total Required credits 30 cr. hrs. * PLA may be considered for extra credit. Today many colleges and universities are providing the great benefit of PLA: Prior Learning Assessments, for their more experienced students, to translate lifetime learning experience into credits to be legitimately applied to degree programs. This translates into huge savings in both time and educational expense. NCU is providing this great benefit to all qualified students. "Study to show yourself approved, a workman who need not be ashamed, handling accurately the Word of Truth" (II Timothy 2:15) *paraphrase |
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