NORTHWESTERN CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY“Celebrating Educational Ministry, Since 1980” SAVE 98% COMPARED TO COSTS OF PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES… Submit your application today.. 24-hour approvals ***Study to show thyself approved, a workman who need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Accelerated, Research based degrees by Thesis or Dissertation only! Accelerated degree programs allow students to earn their degree by Thesis or Dissertation only! This is a historic research based learning experience which is offered at other university's in the USA and made popular in Europe for over a century! Accelerated programs save time by reducing your time commitment from years to just months! IMPORTANT.. READ CAREFULLY: The Total Cost of a NCU Full Curriculum Degree is $1999 The Total Cost a NCU 100% ONLINE study degree is Just $499 *Special $1500 SAVINGS apply for NCU Missionary Support and NCU Branch Students NCU Physical branches may charge up to $300 extra to cover physical branch staffing and physical graduation expenses. Enter NCU Branch SPONSOR's Name on Application to Qualify for $1500 Special Branch Savings Enter Your Name as Sponsor for $1,500 Missionary Support Savings Opportunity ENROLLMENT IS FREE! Donation is due after grading prior to graduation. *There are NO other costs or fees and books are free… To Apply, Just Click the E-Z Application Button Below... IMPORTANT NCU DEGREE PROGRAM PRE-REQUISITES:
NCU Educational Donations Traditional NCU Donation $1,999 *$1,500 discount available for special Missionary Support and Branch Students. *Special $499 Donation after grading is Just $499.. APPLY BELOW...*To Qualify, Enter a Name in Sponsor's Space of Application.Option A: NCU Missionary Support and Branch Students only: Free enrollment and $499 donation at graduation.*NCU Physical branches may charge up to $300 extra to cover branch staffing and physical graduation expenses etc. Option B: Full Curriculum NCU Donation) $1,999*This is a secure form.. ALL NCU Students Save a Minimum of 98% based on Cost of Traditional University Education in the United States Explanation Of The 98% Savings at NCU Savings Available Through NCU. Northwestern Christian University keeps student expenses to a minimum, saving you up to 98% or more in total educational expenses of private colleges and universities. Business Week magazine (Nov. 2008) reported that private colleges are now charging up to $150,000 or more for a four-year degree program. * The latest studies show that some of the more prestigious universities are costing as much as $200,000 for a four-year educational program (AOL Article Nov. 2010). Compare that with just $1,999 (Full Curriculum NCU Donation) for a single degree program at NCU. Save $1,500 as a Missionary Support Student or NCU Branch Student with total donation just $499 at graduation! All students who enroll will receive the following considerations:
Once enrollment is complete you may begin your degree program immediately. ONLINE E-Z APPLICATION FORM BELOW: IMPORTANT: Some U.S. states do not allow religious schools to offer B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. Degrees. In such a case, you will be able to replace such with B.Th., M.Th., and Th.D. Degrees even after graduation and receiving your initial degree. IMPORTANT: TO AVOID ELECTRONIC REJECTION, USE THE SCROLL BAR AND SCROLL DOWN AS YOU FILL IN ALL FORM FIELDS AND ENTER YES FOR YOUR SELECTIONS.
Withdrawal/ Refund Policy and Release of Liability Statement Below: Thank you for choosing Northwestern Christian University All NCU Degree Programs are intended to prepare students for Ministry Avocations. All Races and Nationalities are fully welcome at Northwestern Christian University. | Refund/Withdrawal Policy | Refunds of Love Offer may be given, for a valid reason, at our discretion, if the student withdraws within fourteen days of enrollment. The amount of the refunds will be based on the percentage table and timeframes below. Withdrawal Time and Percentage Table Withdrawal/Refund Procedures Northwestern Christian University Spring Hill, Florida 34609 USA Withdrawal from the PayPal Auto-Debit Subscription Withdrawal or cancellation of the PayPal auto-debit subscription requires the student to contact PayPal since the auto-debit subscription is a private arrangement between the student and PayPal and NCU has no authority regarding the student’s private PayPal auto-debit subscription. Re-Enrollments after Withdrawal Special Circumstances University Disclaimer and Release of Liability Policies Christian Alliance Ministries and Northwestern Christian University hereafter referred to as CAM/ NCU, offer Christ-centered education to the world as the central function of our worldwide ministries. This is a legally-binding release made by you through your action of submitting your application form to CAM / NCU. Our Ministries are not regulatory agencies. While every effort is made to ensure that information and education is provided in accord with high standards and is current and accurate, no representations or warranties expressed or implied, are guaranteed by Christian Alliance Ministries / Northwestern Christian University regarding staff, board members, directors, officers, employees, faculty, advisors, ministers, agents or anyone associated with the above-stated ministries or any form of NCU education/program content. By submitting this application and (or) enrolling you agree to this liability statement. Furthermore, you agree that, in consideration for any education or learning opportunity provided to you, you understand that this is a ministry-related educational program and not for secular employment purposes or form monetary gain and that such education is not regionally accredited or approved by the U.S. / D.O.E. you will assume and take on yourself any and all of the risks and responsibilities in any way associated with your future following graduation including assessment of the quality and competency of the education that you have freely chosen from CAM / NCU. In addition, you fully release and hold harmless Christian Alliance Ministries / Northwestern Christian University and all of its staff, board of directors, directors, officers, employees, faculty, advisors, ministers, and agents from any and all liability, claims, or actions that may arise to or from yourself, in connection with the decision to enroll, attend, or participate in any way, with any of the Christian Alliance Ministries including Northwestern Christian University. You recognize fully, that this release means that you are giving up among other things your rights to sue The Office of the Presiding Pastor of Christian Alliance Ministries and His Successors, a Corporation Sole (Northwestern Christian University Fellowships and Worldwide Church of Jesus Christ Fellowships), it’s staff, board members, directors, officers, employees, faculty, advisors, ministers, agents or anyone associated with the above-stated ministries, for damages, injuries or losses you may incur through or resulting from any of the services or educational programs that you may receive from this ministry organization. You also fully understand that this Release binds your heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, as well as yourself and your dependents. NCU provides education related to ministry related avocations only and is not intended for secular employment purposes. Whether or not your NCU degree shall be recognized beyond NCU is entirely at the discretion of the outside institution or ministry etc. Some states may not recognize non regionally accredited education. Northwestern Christian University Study to show thyself approved of God, a workman who need
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